Analysis and Dynamics of the Archeda-Don Interfluve Sands Phytoecological Conditions from a Long Series of Aerospace Images

Scientific Agronomy Journal. 2023. 1(120). pp. 28-37

Agroforestry melioration

UDC 631.6.02:528

DOI: 10.34736/FNC.2023.

Konstantin N. Kulik,1,3acad. RAS, Dr. Sci. (Agr.), ORCID 0000-0001-7124-8116

Konstantin D. Kulik2, ORCID 0000-0002-3121-8075

Alexander S. Khnykin1, ORCID 0000-0001-8577-1960  

Elizaveta S. Slaykovskaya1,31,3, ORCHID 0000-0001-6799-5418,

1Federal Scientific Centre of Agroecology, Complex Melioration and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FSC of Agroecology RAS), e-mail:, 400062, Universitetsciy Avenue, 97, Volgograd, Russia

2Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK), e-mail:, 105064, Gorokhovsky Lane, 4, Moscow, Russia

3Volgograd State University, e-mail:, 400062, Universitetskiy Prospekt, 100, Volgograd, Russia

Abstract.The paper presents the result of the analysis of Archeda-Don interfluve sands (Volgograd region) aerospace images (ASI), taken from 1961 to 2018. For survey mapping, satellite images (SI) M 1:1000000 were used, which increased to a working M 1:250000 and were used in field work. According to the decoding signs (tone and pattern of the photo image), landscape complexes of sands are distinguished: 1 – hilly-barkhane ungrown and lightly overgrown, 2 – hilly medium-grown and overgrown, 3 – ridge-hilly sands; 4 – gently undulating sandy plain; 5 – large depressions; 6 – flat sandy loam plain. For detailed mapping and field work on test (key) sites, M 1:100000 photo schemes, M 1:50000-1:25000 aerial photographs (AFS), enlarged to working M 1:30000- 1:10000 and larger, high-resolution spectrosonal and multizonal SI were used. The comparison of the images shows the relative stability of the medium hilly part of the massif overgrowth processes and the slow waving of coarse-hilly sands in its central part, which is associated with climate change and the intensity of anthropogenic impact on the ecosystem. The boundaries and areas of sand types for 60 years, in various time periods, have been established on the «Viltov» key section. For these purposes, sand types transitions matrices into each other in 24 directions were constructed and their quantitative indicators were obtained. They show a clear connection of successions and changes in the sandy massif morphology and phytoecology with the climate and anthropogenic load. This methodological approach will make it possible to further form a mathematical model of dynamics and forecast the degradation and restoration processes in the ecosystem.

Keywords:Archeda-Don interfluve sands, sandy lands, aerospace images, phytoecological conditions
