Table of contents
Editorial Column
Minin N. S., Minnikova T. V., Kolesnikov S. I.. Assessment of the state of haplic chernozem after the application of biofertilizers, humic substances and ameliorants by biological indicators.
Krylov P. A., Malov V. O., Kuzmin P. A. Assessment of the presence of endophytic mycorrhiza
in Krascheninnikovia ceratoides (L.) Gueldenst. in arid conditions.
Land cultivation, crop production
Plaksina V. S., Astashov A. N., Rodina T. V. Study of the water regime in a short-rotation crop rotation in conditions of insufficient moisture.
Breeding, seed production
Korolev K. P.Diagnosis ofLinum usitatissimum L. genotypes for combining ability obtained in the conditions of the Northern Trans-Urals.
Rodina T. V., Astashov A. N., O. V. Kireeva, E. V. Podgornov. Evaluation of the starting material for breeding mogar (Setaria Italica ssp. moharicum) by yield and biochemical composition of biomass and seeds.
Tretyakova A. V., Zybinskaya P. A., Krylov P. А., Selection of reference genes for gene expression analysis by RT-qPCR in Robinia pseudoacacia L. under drought conditions.
Agroforestry melioration
Sapronova D. V. Khuzhakhmetova A. Sh., Igolnikova I. S.Features of the organization of seed reproduction of deciduous and coniferous taxa at the Nizhnevolzhskaya station for tree species breeding – branch of the Federal Research Center for Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Kishtanov B. V., Badmaev V. E., Zhilin N. F. Secondary vegetation of fixed deflation foci in Black Lands.
Мельник К. А., Передриенко А. ИMelnik K. A., Peredrienko A. I.. The effect of spring frosts on the reproduction of species of the genusRobinia L. in protective forest plantations of the Volgograd region.
Svintsov I. P.Combating desertification in the Republic of Mali.
Vishnyakova V. V.Inventory of the bioresource dendrological collection of the Kamyshin arboretum of the Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Korneeva E. A.The effectiveness of forest reclamation on sloping lands in arid conditions.