Журнал №2 (125) 2024

Table of contents

Agroforestry Amelioration
S. N. Kryuchkov, A. V. Solonkin, A. S. Solomentseva, S. A. Egorov, A. K. Romanenko, D. A. Gorbushova. Selection of Breeding-Significant Traits of Tree Species for Agroforestry Amelioration and Protective Afforestation.
S. G. Biganova, Yu. I. Sukhorukikh, L. A. Kolesova, E. O. Kiyashkina. Reduction Numbers and Diameter Growth of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the Conditions of Maykop.
S. G. Paramonov, M. V. Zharikov, V. V. Perelygin, I. V. Zmitrovich. Cultivation of Agaricomycetes on Small-Diameter Trunks in the Post-Agricultural Landscapes of the Pskov Region.
K. V. Illarionova, S. V. Grigoryev. Factors of Resistance of Cotton Fiber of Russian Breeding to Epiphytic Microflora for Obtaining Environmentally Friendly Raw Materials.
S. A. Teymurov, M.-R. A. Kaziev, K. M. Ibragimov. Assessment of the Current State of Desertified Lands of the Kizlyar Pastures.

Agriculture, Crop Production
M. Sh. Abasov, M. Sh. Gaplaev, Sh. M. Abasov, R. Kh. Bekbulatov. Alfalfa Seed Production in the Forest-Steppe Zone of the Chechen Republic.
L. F. Klimova, F. Z. Kadyrova. Efficiency of Intensification Techniques in Buckwheat Cultivation in the Middle Volga Region.
Breeding, Seed Production
I. N. Markova. Spring Durum Wheat in the Volgograd Region: Varieties, Yield, and Cultivation Prospects.
M. V. Donskaya, S. V. Bobkov, N. O. Kostikova, M. M. Donskoy. Influence of Microbiological Preparations on the Biochemical Indicators of Chickpea and Vetch Plant Development.

Plant Biotechnology
N. G. Fomenko, O. O. Zholobova. Induction of Callusogenesis and Indirect Morphogenesis in the Hybrid Populus deltoides Marshall × Populus alba L. under in vitro Conditions.
Anniversary of the Professor.

From the editorial board.
