The Effect of Growth Stimulants on the Laboratory Germination of Seeds and Two Types of Cytisus Seedlings Development

Scientific Agronomy Journal. 2023. 1(120). pp. 46-52

Agroforestry melioration

UDC 631.811.98+581.091

DOI: 10.34736/FNC.2023.

Elena L. Grichik, e-mail:, м.н.с., ORCID 0000-0003-4478-6538;

Ol’ga O. Zholobova, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), ORCID 0000-0002-1594-4181,

Agroecology, Complex Melioration and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences» (FSC of agroecology RAS), e-mail:, 400062, Universitetskiy Prospekt, 97, Vologograd, Russia

Abstract.Fabaceae family shrub seeds species have Fabaceae a long dormancy period and a very low germination rate, so the use of growth stimulants is necessary. Recently, environmentally friendly growth stimulators of chemical, biological and natural origin have been introduced in forestry when growing planting material. Epin-extra, Zircon, Aminosol, Succinic acid, Boric acid, Gibberellic acid were chosen for the study. The seeds of white broom(Cytisus albus Hacg.), crown broom(Cytisus scoparius L.) were affected. The work was carried out in 2022 according to GOST-13056.6-97. According to the results of the study, the most effective growth stimulant for Cytisus albus and (Cytisus scoparius L.) seeds is Aminosol in 2% concentration with soaking for 24 hours. It was possible to obtain maximum germination values (30% – Cytisus scoparius and 50% – Cytisus albus), which were 3 times higher than those of the control group when using this preparation. The effectiveness of stimulants was determined by individual parameters (energy or germination rate): CytisusZircon and Epin-extra for both Cytisus species, Boric acid for Cytisus scoparius. (Cytisus scoparius L.)In general, the studied preparations can be recommended for pre-sowing treatment of these shrubs species seed material.

Keywords:growth stimulants, germination in laboratory, germination energy, root, epicotyl, hypocotyl, Cytisus scoparius, Cytisus albus.
