Assessment of the Osmotic Stress Effect on the Shrub Seeds Germination in “In Vitro” Culture

Scientific Agronomy Journal. 2023. 1(120). pp. 10-15
Breeding, seed production
UDC 606:581.48
DOI: 10.34736/FNC.2023.
Sof’ya V. Mel’nik, е-mail:, ORCID 0000-0001-5802-1339,
Ol’ga O. Zholobova, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), ORCID 0000-0002-1594-4181,
“Federal Scientific Centre of Agroecology, Complex Melioration and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (FSC of agroecology RAS),, 400062, Volgograd, pr-t Universitetskij, 97, Russia
Abstract.Due to global climate changes, one of the main environmental problems in the territories of the southern regions of Russia is drought. An effective way to prevent the land degradation and desertification processes is the breeding and choise of woody and shrubby plants resistant to this stress factor for their subsequent use in afforestation. The article presents the results of the osmotic stress influence on seed germination and biometric parameters of model objects Robinia pseudoacacia L. and Caragana pygmaea L. seedlings in “in vitro” culture. To simulate the shortage of available water, osmotic polyethylene glycol (PEG) with a molecular weight of 6000, in concentrations up to 10 g/l, was added to the nutrient environment according to the Murashige-Skuga recipe. The seed material underwent pre-sterilization treatment and two-stage sterilization to obtain an aseptic culture. As a result of the PEG influence in the nutrient environment, C. pygmaea seeds germination energy inhibition was revealed C. pygmaea seeds germination energy inhibition was revealed from 80% in the control group to 15.6-26.6% in the experimental ones. The seedlings in the control group had no statistically significant difference between the root and the shoot length, while in the experimental groups the root length was significantly less than the shoot length. There was an inhibition of the roots of the second order formation compared to the control. These responses are associated with a decrease in the rate of seeds swelling due to a decrease in the amount of available water, which had an impact on the seedlings development. The seeds of R. pseudoacacia showed an increase in seed germination from 90% in the control to 100% on PEG 10 environment. The seedlings of the experimental group had a more developed leaf plate compared to the control. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in the length of the hypocotyl and stem. Thus, the adaptive mechanisms R. pseudoacacia in response to this osmotic stress had a slight stimulating effect in the development of the plant.
Keywords:seeds, Robinia pseudoacacia, Caragana pygmaea, полиэтиленгликоль 6000, засуха, in vitro.