Assessment of the presence of endophytic mycorrhiza in Krascheninnikovia ceratoides (L.) Gueldenst. in arid conditions

UDC 632.112:632.937.1.07
DOI: 10.34736/FNC.2024.
Krylov Pavel Andreevich, e-mail:, Cand. Sci. (Bio.), Leading Researcher, ORCID 0000-0001-9587-5886
Malov Vsevolod Olegovich, Postgraduate Student, Research Engineer, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0003-2766-0124
Кузьмин Петр АнатольевичMalov Vsevolod Olegovich, Postgraduate Student, Research Engineer, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0003-2766-0124
Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Federal Scientific Centre of Agroecology, Complex Melioration and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences» (FSC of Agroecology RAS), e-mail:, 400062, Universitetskiy Prospekt, 97, Volgograd, Russia
Abstract. Xerophytic plants are used to combat desertification and restore degraded territories in Southern Russia, for example, one of the most common is Teresken gray (Krascheninnikovia ceratoides (L.) Gueldenst.). The stability of this plant is associated not only with its species specificity, but also with the presence of endophytic mycorrhiza, which includes arbuscular endomycorrhiza fungi (AMF). The formation of AMF in plants contributes to increased resistance to adverse environmental factors, in particular drought. In this regard, the aim of the work was to search for the possible presence of AMF in the root system of K. ceratoides. To achieve this goal, morphological research methods were used, with the help of which mycorrhization and AMF formation were evaluated using the Etching method. The research results revealed elements inherent in both endophytic mycorrhiza and representatives of AMF in K. ceratoides. The intensity of colonization of the root system by endophytic mycorrhiza was 37 %. The number of identified AMF elements was 18 %, and the number in mycorrhizal root fragments was about 3 %. The data obtained indicate that there is most likely a symbiotic relationship between endophytic fungi, including AMF and K. ceratoides, which may contribute to its resistance to adverse environmental factors. This fact may be of interest for further research aimed at selecting groups of endophytic fungi that increase plant resistance to drought
Keywords: Krascheninnikovia ceratoides (L.) Gueldenst., endophytic mycorrhiza, arbuscular endomycorrhiza, arid conditions, desertification.
Funding: This research was conducted within the framework of the Russian Science Foundation grant 24-26-00174 «Species diversity of arbuscular mycorrhiza and its influence on the drought tolerance of xerophytic plants in arid regions of Southern Russia».
Citation: Krylov P. A., Malov V. O., Kuzmin P. A. Assessment of the presence of endophytic mycorrhiza in Krascheninnikovia ceratoides (L.) Gueldenst. in arid conditions // Научно-агрономический журнал. 2024. 4(127). С. 17-21. DOI: 10.34736/FNC.2024.