Study of the water regime in a short-rotation crop rotation in conditions of insufficient moisture

UDC 631.582:631.432

DOI: 10.34736/FNC.2024.

Vera Sergeevna Plaksina, e-mail: senior researcher, ORCHID: 0000-0002-8968-8774
Alexander Nikolaevich Astashov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, chief scientific officer, ORCHID: 0000-0002-2744-9428
Tatyana Vladimirovna Rodina, e-mail: Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, leading researcher, ORCID: 0000-0002-6670-417 X

"Russian Scientific Research and Design-Technological Institute of Sorghum and Corn", e-mail:, 410050, 1st Institute passage, 4, Saratov, Russia

Abstract.One of the main tasks of modern agriculture is to increase production based on scientifically sound farming systems and stabilize the environmental load in agroecosystems. In this regard, crop rotation is an effective method of stabilizing the crop industry. In the context of global climatic changes, the study of patterns of changes in the parameters of the soil water regime in crop rotations with uneven distribution of precipitation during the growing season becomes especially relevant. The research work was carried out in a four–field experimental crop rotation (black steam – winter wheat – soybeans – combined feed (spring wheat, barley, corn, grain sorghum). In the course of research, it was found that in arid conditions it is necessary to include a steam field in the structure of sown areas in order to preserve soil moisture for subsequent crops. In years with different moisture availability conditions, a high level of influence of this factor on the moisture availability of the studied crops was revealed. The minimum moisture consumption required to create one ton of harvest falls on winter wheat – 444 m3/t. In the conditions of the dry steppe of the Lower Volga region, the efficiency of moisture use by early spring crops (wheat, barley) The water consumption coefficient is decreasing at 1382 and 1528 m3/t, respectively. The most effective in conditions of unstable moisture is a grain-to-crop rotation with the inclusion of corn or grain sorghum, which are able to produce stable yields at a low level of moisture availability.

Keywords:: crop rotation, soil water regime, drought, water consumption coefficient

Funding: The work was carried out within the framework of the theme of the state task of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. AAAA19-119041190006-4 "Improving the efficiency of agroecosystems based on improved agrotechnologies in the system of modern agriculture for regions with insufficient moisture".

Citation:: Plaksina V. S., Astashov A. N., Rodina T. V. Study of the water regime in a short-rotation crop rotation in conditions of insufficient moisture // Scientific and Agronomic Journal. 2024 4(127). С. 22- 27. DOI: 10.34736/FNC.2024.
