Diagnosis of Linum usitatissimum L. genotypes for combination capacity obtained in the conditions of the Northern Trans-Urals

UDC 633.152.47

DOI: 10.34736/FNC.2024.

Konstantin Petrovich Korolev, corolev.konstantin2016@yandex.ru, PhD in Agriculture, Associate Professor, ORCID: 0001-0001-9595-3493

Darya Vladimirovna Odintseva, Bachelor's student Tyumen State University, ORCID: 0009-0004-9208-2708

Tyumen State University, 625003 Volodarsky St., 6, Tyumen, Russia

Abstract An important component in the creation of new flax varieties is the availability of diverse initial breeding material. The novelty of the research consisted in obtaining hybrid populations of oil flax in this agroecological zone, determining their level of trait realization, and individual selection of the most valuable for subsequent breeding. The purpose of the research was to determine oil flax varieties with high rates of combining ability. To obtain hybrid combinations, the original parental forms (Severny, Biryuza, Nilin, Antares) were used, which were crossed using the diallelic scheme (4 × 4) according to the generally accepted methodology in flax breeding. As a result of intervarietal hybridization, new hybrid combinations were obtained, the number of which was due to the different percentage of seed setting under field experiment conditions. Varieties with high general effects (GEA) and constants of specific (SCS) combining ability (Severny, Biryuza) in (F1-F2) according to the studied indicators were identified. In the course of multiple individual selection in the third (F3) and fourth (F4) genertions, promising flax combinations were identified in terms of plant height (♀Nilin × ♂Biryuza, ♀Nilin × ♂Antares), inflorescence length (♀Biryuza x ♂Antares, ♀Biryuza × ♂ Nilin), the number of fruits per 1 plant (♀Severny × ♂Biryuza, ♀Severny × ♂Nilin, ♀Biryuza × ♂Nilin), the number of seeds in 1 fruit (♀Severny × ♂Biryuza, ♀Biryuza × ♂Severny, ♀Nilin x Antares), fruit cracking (♀Severny × ♂Biryuza, ♀Severny × ♂Nilin), duration of the growing season (♀Severny × ♂Biryuza, ♀Biryuza × ♂Nilin), field germination of seeds (♀Biryuza × ♂Nilin, ♀Biryuza × ♂Antares), which may be of interest for further breeding work.

Keywords:: flax, intervarietal hybridization, diallelic analysis, phenotypic variability, trait, correlation

Citation: Korolev K. P. Diagnosis of Linum usitatissimum L. genotypes for combining ability obtained in the conditions of the Northern Trans-Urals // Scientific and Agronomic Journal. 2024. 4(127). P. 28-34. DOI: 10.34736/FNC.2024.