Biometric Characteristics of Transverse Pericarp Cells in Winter Wheat Varieties of Saratov Breeding

Scientific Agronomy Journal. 2023. 1(120). pp. 78-83
Land cultivation, crop production
UDC 633.11:581.48
DOI: 10.34736/FNC.2023.
Marina V. KharitonovaCand. Sci. (Biol.), e-mail:, ORCID0000-0002-5969-4970 Tatiana M. ProkhorovaCand. Sci. (Biol.), ORCID0000-0003-4530-4617
Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov, e-mail:, 410012, Pyotr Stolypin Prospekt, 4/3, Saratov, Russia
Abstract.. It is necessary to pay more attention to the biology of winter wheat due to the expansion of this crop in Russia, including the Saratov region. In recent years, a number of new winter wheat varieties have been created in the Research Institute of the South-East (now the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Organization «Federal Center of Agriculture Research of the South-East Region»). They are significantly differing from the previously zoned variety, Mironovskaya 808. Publications notes the special role of transverse pericarp cells in the oxygen generation during photosynthesis reactions. It has been experimentally shown that oxygen coming from chlorophyll-bearing (transverse) cells of the pericarp is necessary during the grain’s embryogenesis. Despite the unique process in the grain shell significance and its contribution to the yield of wheat grain, there are only singular data on the size and structure of transverse pericarp cells. Scientific research in the field of winter wheat new varieties morphology and physiology has not been carried out before. The aim of the research was to establish morphological and biometric features of the grains pericarp transverse cells development in some winter soft wheat varieties of Saratov breeding. Variety-specific features in thetransverse cells growth and development dynamics and the number of chloroplasts were revealed. It was found that the transverse cells differ in size in different parts of the grain, however, the least differs were in the dorsal region, cell growth along the longitudinal axis with the preservation of intersort differences is stable. The maximum values both in length and in width of the pericarp transverse cells were found in the grains of the Kalach 60 winter soft wheat variety, the minimum values were found in the Victoria 95 variety. The Kalach 60 variety in the Saratov region is very productive.
Keywords:variety, winter soft wheat, chloroplasts, pericarp, transverse cells