Журнал 2022

Table of contents

Breeding, seed production
Yu.I. Sukhorukikh, S.G. Biganova. Selection of Hazel for the Growth Intensivity, Decorativeness and Crop Quality
S.V. Mel’nik, O.O. Zholobova. Assessment of the Osmotic Stress Effect on the Shrub Seeds Germination in “In Vitro” Culture
D.G. Ablyazov, A.A. Vergunova, O.B. Sokolskaya. Assessment of the Introduction and Growth Dynamics of the Shrub Ligustrum Vulgare L. Seedlings in Saline Soil Conditions
А.А. Shatrykin, N.S. Sharko. Some Aspects of Late Harvesting in the Competitive Variety Testing of Grain Sorghum

Agroforestry melioration
K.N. Kulik, K.D. Kulik, A.S.,Khnykin, E.S. Slaykovskaya. Analysis and Dynamics of the Archeda-Don Interfluve Sands Phytoecological Conditions from a Long Series of Aerospace Images

Agroforestry melioration
М.М. Kochkar, О.М. Vorobieva, А.V. Vdovenko, V.P. Voronina. Functioning Conditions of the Don-and-Chir Interfluve Agroforestry Landscapes
Е.L. Grichik, О.О. Zholobova. The Effect of Growth Stimulants on the Laboratory Germination of Seeds and Two Types of Cytisus Seedlings Development
И.С. Богуш, О.Б. Сокольская, Т.А. Андрушко. Features of Ulmus Pumila L. Seeds Germination in Laboratory Conditions
A.A. Vergunova, I.N. Babukhin, О.B. Sokolskaya. Studies of Salix Species Reactions to Saline Solutions Exposure
A.I. Dovganyuk, A.A. Lentina, R.S. Reshetov, A.V. Anikina. The Instrumental Method of Analysis Use in Assessing the Trees Condition in an Urban Environment

Land cultivation, crop production
I.L. Vorotnikov, A.G. Subbotin, A.V. Letuchij. The Sunflower and Corn Productivity Evaluation Using Strip-Till Cultivation Technology
M.V. Kharitonova, T.M. Prokhorova. Biometric Characteristics of Transverse Pericarp Cells in Winter Wheat Varieties of Saratov Breeding

From the editorial board

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